
Your Stay

You’ll be staying and working at a farm in the Dutch countryside for an intensive 5 day film retreat. There is a maximum of eight students per course so you will get lots of personal attention from our teachers.

Our course is very practical: you’ll already be handling a professional video camera on day 1 and going out into the field on day 2.

There are classes about the structure of a documentary film, interview techniques, script writing and other content during which short documentaries will be shown to illustrate the classes.

We spend a lot of time on practical classes working with camera and sound and editing the images you have shot during this practice.

We are very hands on

Later in the course you will implement all that you have learned by shooting a portrait film on location and editing it on the final day.

In the evenings we show important feature documentaries which will be discussed in class.

At the end of the week, you will take home your own documentary style film with your name on the credits made in collaboration with your fellow students, this will help you in your future film career.

For successful students, we provide a certificate


The course will enable you to make short or long films for whatever purpose.

For a lot of students, our course has facilitated their entry into a film school, making a short film for a business situation or to furthering their general career.